
feel the same way. And many do get married and find out that marriage does not cure their condition even if they should have children. And so, in order to be them- selves, they must resort to lies, and cheating, and at being happy when their husbands are to be away for a day or so. How many readers of TRANSVESTIA find the exact mirro replica of this lesbian problem, in their own TV lives? We do have many problems in common and perhaps this explains to a large extent the warm friendship that I have established with the group I am talking about. Let me add that the picture of the "butch" lesbian leering at other women in a bar and eager to pervert any pretty girl she sees is greatly exaggerated. Those are a minority among lesbians, just as the "swishy": homosexual who "cruises" theaters, bars and streets lookiq for "trade" is a minority in the larger world of the homo- sexual. As a matter of fact, these obvious types are thoroughly disliked by lesbians and homosexuals alike. They feel that the street walker and the bar lesbian are the ones who have created a feeling of disgust in society in general towards all lesbians. We, as TV's can say the same thing for the "drag queen" who has created instant distrust among the public towards any male who wears skirts.

So much for my new circle of friends. As I said, I do feel guilty for not having written my column for TVia because of time pressure while I did find the time to write for THE LADDER. You will forgive me, won't you? Anyway, it felt good to my ego (which as you know is monumental) to see my name in another "minority" maga- zine. Now back to the TV world.

The highlight of the last few weeks has been once more, Casa Susanna. Our new country place is really looking nice now. A one acre lake has been built and it should be a marvellous place for fun, with boating and swimming, "a la femme" of course. The only trouble is that there's a draught and the spring that feeds the lake resembles now a TV about to step outdoors for the first time... it barely flows, and the lake is only half full. There is also the barn. It used to be a rickety old place, now it has taken on a new look....redone on the outside and the inside.... There a perfect spot to build a little stage and maybe start our theatrical weekends again.